Saturday, November 17, 2007

What was daily life like in ancient times?
The Minoan civilisation on Crete was the first civilisation in Greece and flourished around 2000 BC. Fine palaces were built, some even had plumbing. In early civilisation, there was often a big contrast between the live of the rich and the poor. Noble families in ancient Rome lived in spacious villas with marble floors and furniture made of bronze, ivory or wood. The poor people of Rome lived in crowded slum buildings five or six storey high and existed on bread or porridge.

Minoan plumbing
Fresh water was supplied to the Minoan palace of Knossos om Crete through terracotta pipes.
Raising a pyramid
Egypt's largest pyramid, the great Pyramid at Giza, was built in the 26 th century BC to house the tomb of a king, or pharaoh, called Khufu. It stands 146 m ( 480 ft) high, and is made from 2.3 million massive stone blocks, each weighing, on average, 2.5 tonnes.

Teams of workers hauled the stone blocks on sledges up mud-brick ramps, using ropes made from twisted papyrus, a reed that grows beside the Nile. The ramps were dismantled after the pyramid was completed.

Stones blocks were cut to shape ready for kauling into place.

Finished pyramid
When all the stone blocks had been laid, the whole pyramid was covered with polished limestone slabs.

Modern scholars believe that it took 4000 - 5000 labourers several years to build the Great Pyramid. The workforce was probably made up of farmers, who worked on the pyramid when they could not farm due to the annual flood.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Groups of prehistoric hunters gradually learned how to sow crops such as barley and maize and to herd animals, and revolutionary changes in human society began to take place. People started living in settled villages and town in order to tend their fields all year round. In the fertile river valleys of Egypt and Mesopotamia, these communities gradually grew into large, highly organised societies. The first great cities emerged, and government and trade developed.

Why did people build pyramids?
as building skill developed, people created monumental architecture to celebrate their gods and kings. The pyramid shape may have been chosen because it was a very stable structure for a large building. One of the earliest known pyramids is at Ur in Mesopotamia. It is a temple pyramid built around 4000 years ago. The pyramid in ancient Egypt were built to house the tombs of kings and to ease their journey into the afterlife. The burial chamber would be filled with treasure and located in the heart of huge, solid pyramid to deter tomb-robbers. Other civilisations that built temple pyramids were the Mayans (4th-9th centuries) and the Aztecs (14th-15th) centuries in Central America.
Prehistoric toolkit
Although some animals and birds use tools to find food, human are the only creature that use tools to make other tools. Homo Habilis collected stones and use other stones to reshape them into simple implements for cutting or scrapping. By the name of Homo Sapiens, tools were more sophisticated. As well as stones, people used bones, antlers and wood to make carefully crafted arrowhead, axes and harpoons

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What did humans look likes millions of years ago?
Human evolved from small-brained, monkey-like creature, through several gradual stages, into modern human. The australopithecines were the first to walk upright. They had a powerful jaw, a low forehand and a brain about one-third the size of ours. Homo Habilis (Handy Person), who live 2.3 million years ago, had a larger brain. Homo erectus, who lived 1.9 million years ago, had a large brain and a smaller jaw
Where did the first people live?
Because the earliest fossilied remains of human-like creatures have come from sites in Africa, scientists assume that humans first emerged there. Remains have been found in eastern Africa, especially in the Rift Valley, which runs from Ethiopia down to Mozambique. A species called Homo habilis appeared there around 2.3 million years ago. They lived in organised social groups, making crued tools and probably communicating with basic speech from Africa across Asia and Europe. These people used fire, which would have kept them warm in northern climates.

Hunting, Skinning and Cooking
From around 200 000 to 300 000 years ago, Europe and the near East were occupied by a type of early Homo sapiens called the Neanderthals. They hunted by throwing spears at their prey and then chasing the injured animal until it was exhausted.

For example
Hunting :
A group of Neanderthal hunters attack an injured woolly rhinoceros with spears and large stones

Skinning :
People used stone tools to scrape the skin off pieces of meat.

Cooking :
Meat was probably first dropped in a fire accidentally, and turned out more tender cooked than raw.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Human beings are animals, our closet relations being the apes. The remarkable skills developed by our early ancestors set them apart from their fellow creatures. They lived and hunted in organised groups made tools and weapons, and could make and use fire. All this took time. Over million of years, different species evolved before the emergence of our species, Homo Sapiens (Thinking Person), some 300 000 years ago. Modern human, Homo Sapiens began emerging around 100 000 years ago.

Are human really related to the ape?
Scientist s classify usamong the primates, a group of mammals with five fingers and toes, and fingernails and toenails instead of claws. Primates first emerged on Earth about 65 million years ago. Because of the similarities in bones, teeth and body tissue, archaeologists believes that our closest relatives among the primates are the apes, such as gorilla and thw chimpanzee (our closest relative of all) Over time, human developed larger brains tha other primates and started walking upright. This development left their hands free for using tools. The first human-like creature emerged in Africa around 4.8 million years ago. Scientist call them the australopithecines (southern apes)


Humans are noted for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only known species to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and use numerous other technologies. In that way, here are the main title of the good information of human world :
  • Origins human race
  • Civilisation rise
  • The written word
  • The movement of people
  • Industrial revolution
  • Warfare history
  • People of the world
  • Speak of language
  • Worship world
  • Myth, legends and folk beliefs
  • Home life
  • Cooking, food and drink
  • Fashion and clothes
  • Farm and farming
  • The art
  • Style of architectural
  • Eye-catching design
  • Craft skills
  • The world of literature
  • Music magic
  • The art of dance
  • On stage
  • Moving pictures
  • The mass media
  • The sporting media
  • Money matters
  • Government and politics

In addition to this blog, you would know about :

  • World countries
  • The world history
  • World changed by
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Sport
  • International organisations
  • Measurements
  • Index
  • Acknowledgments