Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Human beings are animals, our closet relations being the apes. The remarkable skills developed by our early ancestors set them apart from their fellow creatures. They lived and hunted in organised groups made tools and weapons, and could make and use fire. All this took time. Over million of years, different species evolved before the emergence of our species, Homo Sapiens (Thinking Person), some 300 000 years ago. Modern human, Homo Sapiens began emerging around 100 000 years ago.

Are human really related to the ape?
Scientist s classify usamong the primates, a group of mammals with five fingers and toes, and fingernails and toenails instead of claws. Primates first emerged on Earth about 65 million years ago. Because of the similarities in bones, teeth and body tissue, archaeologists believes that our closest relatives among the primates are the apes, such as gorilla and thw chimpanzee (our closest relative of all) Over time, human developed larger brains tha other primates and started walking upright. This development left their hands free for using tools. The first human-like creature emerged in Africa around 4.8 million years ago. Scientist call them the australopithecines (southern apes)

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