Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Written words cause images to appear in the mind as if by magic. The invention of writing was one of the most important events in history, because it allowed information of every kind to be recorded and stored. And with the invention of printing in Europe in the 15th century, the number of books in circulation quickly increased. This led to the spread of knowledge and greater use of written languages.

Who invented writing?
Writing began around 3500 BC among the people of Mesopotamia, where priest and merchants wanted to keep records of harvests or areas of land sold. To begin with, picture-symbols were used. These, were simplified representations of objects or people, such as 'sun', 'ox' or 'king'. Gradually. these picture, known as pictograms., became simpler still, so that the writer could use wedge-shaped marks to represent each object and action. The marks were made with reed-tips on wet clay tablets, which then dried and hardened. This early script is known as 'cuneiform' ( from the Latin cuneus meaning 'wedge').

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